Drive with Confidence Level 7 Professional Diploma - Starts Jan 2025 - Course & included workshops

Stress Management, Anxiety Reduction & Confidence Building in Driver Training

   Course Summary

This qualification aims to enable Approved and Potential Driving Instructors (ADIs & PDIs) or other professionals responsible for drivers in their company to develop their knowledge and understanding of driving anxiety and basic psychology concepts for stress management and confidence building.

Course Learning Outcomes

  • Understand questioning techniques to support those with driving anxiety
  • Understand the brain and anxiety
  • Explore the links between neurodiversity and anxiety
  • Identify potential causes of driving anxiety
  • Adapt techniques to the specific needs and circumstances of each driver

Course Dates

This is an online cohort with live modules via Zoom, running for six consecutive weeks - Wednesdays 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm
15th, 22nd & 29th January, 5th, 12th 19th February 2025

All live modules will be recorded for catch up and replay and included in the course materials online.

Course Pricing

Use Discount Code DIPLOMA100 at checkout
for a £100 discount! Expires midnight 1st October

Pay in full, or spread the cost over monthly payments to suit your budget.

Note that for those paying by instalments, you will not receive your qualification certificate until your payment schedule has been completed.

Drive with Confidence Level 7 Jan 25


  • Pay in Full

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Drive with Confidence Level 7 Jan 25

8 payments of


per month

  • Pay over eight months at no extra cost.

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Drive with Confidence Level 7 Jan 25

12 payments of


per month

  • Pay over twelve months at no extra cost.

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SCQF Level 7 | Professional Diploma | 15 credit points

The Drive with Confidence professional diploma consists of four units covering:

* Unit 1 - Effective questioning
* Unit 2 - The Brain and Anxiety
* Unit 3 - Neurodiversity and Anxiety
* Unit 4 - Confidence Building

Drive with Confidence Diploma graduates also benefit from a 50% discount for The Co-Pilot Community networking platform.
SCQF Level 7 | Professional Diploma | 15 credit points

The Drive with Confidence professional diploma is designed with your busy schedule in mind. The content consists of both live and pre-recorded sessions.
The qualification can be completed over 12 months.
If you can't make it to the live sessions, don't worry. You can catch up online at your own pace and repeat the live modules free of charge on future cohorts. 

The live content is run alongside our current six-week Drive Calm® course.
Wednesdays 6.30 pm - 8.30 pm
Unit 1 Effective Questioning - 15/1,
Unit 2 The Brain & Anxiety - 22/1 & 29/1,
Unit 4 Confidence Building - 5/2, 12/2 & 19/2

The live content for Unit 3 is our CPD-accredited Neurodiversity Champion workshop.
Monday 3rd February 25 - 9.30 am - 4.30 pm

If you have previously attended the above courses with us, contact us for your 'top-up' price for the professional diploma.

Drive with Confidence Diploma graduates also benefit from a 50% discount for The Co-Pilot Community networking platform.

Qualification Assignments

A qualification programme has to follow set criteria, with content designed around learning outcomes. Those learning outcomes need to be measurable, which we do through a series of assignments. Participants submit assignments to demonstrate that the learning outcome has been met. The assignments are assessed and internally verified. The result is that participants apply what they learn in the course and submit evidence demonstrating that learning has taken place.  
SCQF Level 7 | Professional Diploma | 15 credit points

This qualification has been SCQF credit-rated by the Scottish Qualifications Authority.
The Scottish Qualifications Authority have 12 levels in their qualifications framework which is different to the frameworks in England and Wales and Europe.  The SCQF Level 7 is equivalent to a Level 4 qualification (i.e. BTEC) in England and Wales and a Level 5 qualification in Europe.

Stay up to date with future dates and news for the Drive with Confidence Professional Diploma

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, this is an SCQF level 7, equivalent to a level 4 qualification (i.e. a BTEC) in England & Wales.

Pearson are not currently working with third parties to offer bespoke or customised BTEC qualifications.
Credit rating with Ofqual involves using a third-party training centre; those we spoke to were only willing to offer CPD accreditation.  
We wanted to create a qualification where participants evidence that they have applied what they learned.

No, we will offer an 'upgrade' price from your current training into the qualification, so you do not have to pay again.  
There is also an 'upgrade' option for previous participants of the Neurodiversity Champion workshop.

Yes, not only will you spread the cost, but starting with these now is a great way to get a head start on the qualification programme, then upgrade when you feel ready. We also allow participants to re-attend free of charge on future cohorts of Drive Calm.

If your previous neurodiversity training is current (completed in the past two years) and you have been applying what you learnt on an ongoing basis, it may fall under our Recognition of Prior Learning policy. Get in touch with us so we can discuss details.

You will have 12 months from the start of the cohort to complete your assignments.  We'll be sure to keep in touch as you near the 12-month deadline to support you in either completing assignments or extending the deadline.

No, the assignments are not intended to judge your writing skills!  You can use different mediums, such as bullet points, graphics, audio, and video, to present evidence that you have achieved a learning outcome.  Let us know if you have an idea we haven't thought of for submitting your evidence. We do not want the worry of writing essays to be a barrier to learning.

Kev and Tracey Field