Six-week Drive Calm® course

Online six-week nervous drivers course for ADIs/PDIs

Course Summary

The aim of this course is to enable ADIs to develop their knowledge and understanding of driving anxiety and basic psychology concepts for stress management and confidence building.

Course Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the importance of a range of questioning techniques to support those with driving anxiety. 
  • Analyse and interpret each individual's unique circumstances to identify potential causes of driving anxiety. 
  • Design an action plan for each individual learner. 
  • Adapt techniques to each driver's specific needs and circumstances in an in-car setting.

This six-week Drive Calm® course is for you if you would like the following:

  • All the questions we ask and why. 
  •  Our questionnaire template (set up on Googe forms) to share with your students. 
  • What clues we are looking for in the student's answers.  
  • A deeper understanding of student nerves and anxiety  
  • Simple and easy ways to apply confidence theory in all driving lessons for all students. 
  • New techniques and tools to use with your students  
  • A private Facebook community with other ADIs to brainstorm, share ideas and discuss driving anxiety 
  • A Highly Recommended pin on our Find an instructor map 
  • To advertise as a Drive Calm® trained instructor 
  • Immediate access to the ADI Nervous Drivers Calming Kit workshop to start learning straight away while you wait for the course to start

Your Trainers

Tracey Field Field

Kev Field